Individual Reports or Profiles
Zotero | People > dotcomsam
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
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DotComSam | OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
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MyVidster | dotcomsam
you are not logged in log in register safe browsing: on collect the videos you love collect | share | explore $(function() { $("
") .bind( "keydown", function( event ) { if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $( this ).data( "autocomplete" ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .autocomplete({ source: function( request, response ) { $.getJSON( "/search_callback.php?type=search", { term: extractLast( request.term ) }, response ); }, search: function() { // custom minLength var term = extractLast( this.value ); if ( term.length < 2 ) { return false; } }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function( event, ui ) { var terms = split( this.value ); // remove the current input terms.pop(); // add the selected item terms.push( ui.item.value ); // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end terms.push( "" ); this.value = terms.join( " " ); return false; }, minLength: 2, delay: 100 }); }); MyVidster web profiles groups
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+FAN Sam to stay up-to-date with his latest looks on Lookbook.
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Sam (@dotcomsam) | Ello
I am a digital performance expert - helping businesses dramatically improve their online results using proven strategies and tactics used by hundreds of...
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photos, videos and audio from Sam (dotcomsam) on Mobypicture
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